Monday, 7 July 2014

Roaring 20s and Fabulous 30s Day...

We have been time travelling during our topic lessons this half term. First we visited the Victorian Era and met lots of famous inventors.  Then we travelled to WW1 to commemorate the centenary of the First World War.  Next we visited the Roaring 20s and Fabulous 30s.

Unfortunately, war has broken out again and we are now stuck in WWII.  However, look at all the fun we had during the 1920s and 1930s...

Sunday, 6 July 2014

New Topic Time!

We are starting a new topic!
We are learning about the two worst times in history: World War 1 and World War 2 in Time Travellers!
Tomorrow we are having a Roaring 20's Day!
Here are some authentic 1920s catwalk videos. Meow!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Music videos...


Year 5 enjoyed a fabulous trip to Dickens World where they learnt lots about the famous Victorian Charles Dickens!!! Also they dressed up in character and had a stern lesson in a Victorian school.
Did you know that Charles Dickens's father spent 30 years in debtors' prison?

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Dickens world

We went on a trip to dickens world and learnt about the victorians

Friday, 13 June 2014

New topic time!

We have started a new topic!
Our new topic is Victorians! We have travelled back in time to learn about famous Victorians and their lives. We are reading books that are set in the Victorian era and have been to dickens world! We look forward to blogging about our new topic and all the activities in this extremely long, last term!

Oliver Twist

We have been learning about The Victorian Era. This has lead to Charkes Dickens. Recently, we've been on a road trip to Dickens World in Kent. Yesterday, we watched a trailer of it. Here is the 1933 version.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves

We read poems and raps from the book Hip-Hop Speaks to Children.  We thought about the similarities and differences between raps and poems and considered which of them we liked and why.

We listened again to 'Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves' by Charles R. Smith Jr and composed our own poems based on this.  Enjoy...

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Micro society

In micro society we have been learning how to run our own businesses. At the start of this tremendous topic we had to apply for jobs. These jobs were banker, president, police and caretaker. Luckily I got the job and I got payed 20 Bonnies ( bonnies are our money). Sadly because Matteo didn't have a job Andre and I got fired.

I used to be in a business called Funny Faces where we made funny props for your face. Unfortunately this business went down hill so we diversified to Dancing Divas. My group didn't discuss it with me, so I left purely because I do lots of dancing on Saturday.

In groups we have made jobs and the civil servants have not got jobs that earn money so every business has to pay tax which is 35 bonnies (our Bonnestan money). For some businesses that isn't very much but for others it's  too much!


In 5M, we've been learning about setting up and running our own businesses. Our society is called "The Republic of Bonnestan". We have our own currency, called Bonnies. We have companies called TDIK's Massaging, Mediation and Gymnastics,  Bonkers Bingo and Signs 4 U.

In our trading sessions, we have learned how to make a ledger book, new vocabulary such as society scarcity, currency, diversify, supply, demand and civil servant and the importance of tax and tax evasion.

In  our society, we believe in love, happiness, responsibility, friendship, caring, honesty and trust.

Micro Society-by Tia

In 5M we have been doing Micro Society, in our class I'm the president and Leah is the Vice President. Being president means that you have to take care of your society and compromise with the Vice President to interview people for civil servant jobs.


Micro-society   is awesome I enjoy it so much. It is like we are in real businesses. When I was applying to get a job, I surprisingly got an interview but unfortunately I didn't get the job. I got a different job and that is being the councillor and that is good for me because I get to work in a business.  Our micro-society is called Bonnestan.

Micro society

Having this topic to learn about is really fun , the best part is when we have our trading sessions.          What we do is we do our jobs that we came up with and  earn money to go around and buy things from other peoples jobs, we all enjoy it and we couldn't have a better topic.

Micro Society

Right now our topic is micro-society.  Everyone is enjoying it and it's a great topic.
We will probably be posting more stuff to do with our topic so keep in touch with our blog!

Micro society

During micro society, we are learning all sorts of vocabulary words such as  scarcity,application and lots others but the main words we were looking at was inflation and recession.inflation
means when the value of something gets higher and higher and recession means when the price of something gets to high that the Value of that thing gets lower and lower.

There are lots of other words but here are some questions about what I have talked about.

What does recession mean?

What does inflation mean?

This is a question we haven't talked about what does trade mean?

Micro society

Learning micro society is so much fun  . We all split up in groups and made a business  . We made and sold prouducts with are society money .here are  the business  lottery , bookmarks/orogami , bingo , massage and artworks . We pay tax  too.

What we did in micro society

Yesterday during micro society we went and traded in Awesomainia. We were given a new currency that was counters worth ten awsomes. Some of the businesses had scarcity so inflation was involved. Some of the businesses had high supply and low demand. And some were the other way round.

 What does trade mean ? 
What does supply mean ? 
What does demand mean ?
What does inflation mean?

Micro society

In year 5 we have bean learning about micro societies and have made up our own society .
We are currently running businesses such as a massage group and a lottery group .
All of our businesses are going well but are hard to maintain because we have to pay for our supplies. (tables, instruments, pens and pencils.)

Also we pay tax which are 35bonnies .

In our lessons we learn new vocabulary (scarcity, society, currency, trade, civil servants, application, business, monopoly, competition.)

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Amazing 5m are performing a dance routine with mr Weston . At the end of the lesson we did a micro dance of  between girls and boys.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Money on My Mind

Next week is National Sing Up Day 2014.  As part of the celebration, Bonneville Primary School are having a Sing Up assembly on Tuesday.  Each class or year group is going to choose a song and perform it in assembly on Tuesday.

5M are going to sing Money on my Mind by Sam Smith.  I chose this song because it fits in with our topic and the values of our new society.  The words and lyric music video are below if you'd like to practise and Sing Up with us.

Money On My Mind

When I signed my deal
I felt pressure
Don't wanna see the numbers
I wanna see heaven
You say, could you write a song for me?
I say, I'm sorry I won't do that happily

When I go home
I tend to close the door
I never wanted more
So sing with me
Can't you see

I don't have
Money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for
I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love

Please don't get me wrong
I wanna keep it moving
I know what that requires
I'm not foolish
Please, can you make this work for me?
Cause I'm not a puppet, I will work against your strings

When I go home
I tend to close the door
I never wanted more
So sing with me
Can't you see

I don't have
Money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for
I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love

When the sun will set
Don't you fret
No I have no money on my mind
No money on my mind
No money on my mind
No I have no money on my mind

Just love

Money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for
I do it for the love

I don't have
Money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for
I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love

Monday, 24 February 2014

Stop! Wait! Our new topic is...

What do you think we are going to learn about?  What activities do you think we are going to complete?  What would you like to learn about?  ~What would you like to do?

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Sing Off 2014

Enjoy these photos of today's Sing Off...

Year 5...

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Year 6...

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After School Streetdance

The Bonneville After School Club, Carry On Cafe, like to practise their street dance moves.  They meet once a week and this week, they put on a show for the parents and some teachers.

Check out their moves below...

Definitely some great movers there.

Perhaps even some choreographers; look what happened when they 'freestyled' at the end.

Well done guys!
For our music topic, we have been doing the sing off, as you know. Here are some of the finalists that competed and worked hard throughout the whole topic.
 This group sang a water cover of earthquake and choreographed a great dance.

This group also sang a cover of earthquake, creating great choreography and also WON!! Go 5M!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sing Off

Check out the Sing Off page to find out how we've been getting on.

The Highwayman by Andre

Written from Tim's point of view.

Every time I see the highwayman and Bess together I get really annoyed because I want to propose to her but,when I do the stupid highwayman comes along from the purple moors!I cannot stand seeing them, when I,m just sitting there selling wood I hate being an ostlar  because I could be with Bess instead.Bess was the only person that I could talk to ,but again and again the highwayman comes from a ribon like road .I'm as jealous as hell that I haven't found my love yet. 

Bess is such a lovely person but,the highwayman is a black harted pest and that is why I'd never spoken to him only if it hadn't been for my lovely Bess.                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, 30 January 2014

The highwayman by Imani

It was dark and very dusty , the trees are small prickly fingers swaying in the moonlight.It was scary like a lion trying to grab you and eat you. Its very quiet ,all you can hear is the wind whispering to you.The moon was shining like a shooting star. the road was very narrow and it was a ribbon of moonlight .

Through the little path ,the highwayman came riding on his horse .The small branches are skeletons, when the highway man came riding it got darker, and darker like caves.

The Highwayman-Milena


Spooky were the tall,talking trees,dancing in the natural blow of the wind. A round diamond glowed in the garnet-like sky. The grass stopped gossiping as a sugar-like frost cast a spell on them. A rocky road meandered round the iron bars that defended the grass. A pitch black shadow creaked over the purple moor. Mysteriously, a scuttle of movement faded out into the silent night. Slowly, the wind whispered to the trees. Hands reached out and towered over the muddy river of shadowy green. Small, gleaming pebbles jumped about as the tlot tlot tlotting of a Highwayman's black horse came riding up the path.

India the highwayman

Currently,5M have been focusing on a poem called the Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.We have been using descriptive language to write a description from one of the scenes in the poem. This is by India, a child in 5m.
I hope you enjoy it !!!

Stretching towards you, the bony, bare, brown branches are trying to garb you as they jiggle and jive in the grey, gusty wind. Scrape! Scrape! Scrape! The branches scratch against the fence as shavings of black paint spray onto the large plain of grass . Glistening over the purple moor the glowing diamond moon was a bumble bee hive as it stood out in the oily black blotchy sky.With spookiness the trees were a maze of terror.

the highwayman by Oisin

Branches as thin as bony fingers,the trees hide the moon from battling the darkness. A ribbon of fog over laps the road of darkness up to the view point. As still as a brick the tree holds onto the ground stronger than 20 men altogether. The wind whispered to the trees and started to more every thing it could. It was silent as a room with nothing inside.

The Highwayman by kalyani

The Highwayman is a poem for older children and adults . The poem has a lot of showing not
telling ; there is also a lot of descriptive language .

The forest was a maze of horrors and the path was an ocean of dust .
The moon was a button of pearl white glinting in the darkness with witches fingers trying to grab it out of the pitch black sky.

The grass was like rotten candy canes being brushed in the harsh breeze .

The highway man by yasmina

In year 5 we've been focusing on a poem called the high way man by Alfred Noyes  .  We've  been writing  scenes from the poem . I hope you enjoy it .
By  Yasmina
As the haunted hallway stayed silent , the still trees are as tall as a rocket . The moon is a white bunch of cotton wool .Standing still , the gates are as stripy as a tiger ! Quietly , everything is a solid ocean of sadness
.  every where is a ghostly galleon...

when the bright moon was silent , it glowed into the misty moor . the trees are giant snakes lighting across the Halloween scene . Also  , the grass was no where to be seen . This road was a place where if someone came in it would never come out . As the were wolf howled in the moonlight that body of darkness was nowhere to be seen . The night grew darker .The sky was a dark as space .

A lowed noise screamed along this horrifying night there was no one to be  seen and there wasent
a sight . silently the misty moon glowed silently . This place was a maze of terror ...

The Highwayman by Daniel

We have been learning about Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. We have been learning to describe images to set an image in your head.
                                                  Here is my work:

As the trees waltzed in the twinkling moonlight, the moon's oily black tears covered the forest. The wind of silence brushed past quickly. The sky were garnets that jumped and twirled.The road was a ribbon of moonlight;the peace and tranquility was caged like a piece of ivory being smuggled by thieves, only to be let out by day. Then, a dot appeared. It appeared to be the Highwayman, riding on his horse. Tlot! Tlot! Tlot!
His horse trampled on the last surviving rose.
This moor is a nightmare!

Friday, 24 January 2014

The highwayman by ricco

The moon was as bright as a baby's blue eyes, staring at you, peacefully and silently.                            
The moon shone,like a diamond floating in the dark blue sea,making it seem like 1000 diamonds in the sky,shimmering as one.
Everyone gazed at the moon as it moved across the sky like a shooting star as fast as lightning.
And as it kept on going one by one ,people started drifting of to sleep, so everything was peas full and as silent as a mouse. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Rui's poem highwayman

It was dark as black cats, a dark night  and the shining moon light, the owls hooting above the trees and the peacefulness ghostly trees, moving and swaying, the holy church staring at the grassy old road, the rain splashing  in the distance and cars racing along, the evil rain dropping on the peoples heads poor people putting news papers  over ,there hairs a great speed passed the lights as a strange man stopped like his horse was a car and the mud splashed ,as the rain's roaring and waleing

the highwayman by leah

The forest glowed in the moonlight, a ghostly shadow stood behind the trees .the path up the hill led to the moon(like in the olden days). The trees had barely any leaves and the path was made of dirt. rocks with no dirt next to them nothing behind  the fences, not a single flower nothing. Grass up to your knees. Abandoned shelters in the moonlight no one to take care of them not even an animal. The skeleton trees whispered to each other in the moonlight. All the branches touched each other in the movement of the wind going west.
Through the trees up the paths the highwayman came riding riding up to the old inn door.

while the wind was blowing the grass and the skeleton trees talked to each other, in the distance a mysterious lonely house came riding, riding over the purple moor. Branches started falling, grass disappeared but still the unlucky horse kept going, everything fell around him, it was like he was in his own world. he passed by without a fear....he was gone into the moonlight . the big black branches stood up and whispered along again  The horse had left a gem behind

The highwayman by chelsea

The naked trees stood still like bony fingers
The slick snow was like sugary, ice, plane sheets. Crackling as crispy as bacon.
Hills deep as the river Thames and leads you to nowhere. Despite the crackling ice sheets, it was used as a ice skating ring. As a matter of fact, this path was used when the Highway came riding, riding, riding up to nowhere. It was so still, you could hear the wind.

The Highwayman by Tia

Peeking out from behind the trees, the moon glinted in the darkness, like bony fingers on crusty hands from the under world,the trees swayed in the dark.Dust swept the path of light , creating an ocean of black clouds.In the far distance, the road turned into a ribbon of darkness.As gloomy as a cave, the forest was like a hall of fears

Roaring like a lion, the wind crashed against the trees causing on off the crusty hands to fall over and shredding the rotten candy canes into chippings of emerald.So silent that you can hardly hear it, a nest of birds flew over the purple moor.As it struck midnight, the moon disappeared behind the dark misty clouds,making this bad dream turn into a nightmare.Like a deep down dungeon holding all your fears,the woods started to get more wild , more movements in the darkness scamper away and the trees sway wildly.

The highwayman by Nkayiya

In the woods it was abandoned like a girl left on someone's dirty door step . It was lonely like a grave yard also every single thing was still like a rusty dusty coffin .

The stars were twinkling in the moon light like when the sun reflects its light on the moon .

In the foggy distance the poor miserable highway man came galloping on his muscly horse.Riding,riding,riding.

In the creepy , scary woods the gigantic trees were standing creepy like it was Halloween .

The Highwayman by 5M

We have been looking at the poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.  We looked at the similes and metaphors and created images of our own using the description.  We acted out some of the scenes.  We are currently writing play scripts based on the poem.

Here follows some of our Highwayman work.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

More about The Highwayman

Here are some more versions of The Highwayman
by Overmonnow Primary School

by St Saviour's CoE Primary

by Lyndhurst Primary School

What do you think that we should do for our final piece at the end of this unit of work?  Feel free to make suggestions in the comments.

The Highwayman

We are learning about the poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.

We have thought about the language used, the feeling and mood of the poem.  Write a letter from Bess to the Highwayman, or from The Highwayman to Bess in the comments.  How do they feel about each other?  What might they say to each other?  What might happen if anyone found their letters?  What are their plans for the future?  What does Bess' father think of their love?

Challenge:  Can you make up your own story poem?

And we're off...

This is 5M's new online space.  It is our class blog and we will be using it to share and collaborate with you.  Keep checking back for new content and please please leave us lots of comments.  Check out our ‘About Us’ page and our ‘Blog Guidelines and e-safety’ page to find out more.