Monday, 24 February 2014

Stop! Wait! Our new topic is...

What do you think we are going to learn about?  What activities do you think we are going to complete?  What would you like to learn about?  ~What would you like to do?


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  2. i think that or topic for half term is money, money, money.

  3. I think our topic is money,money,money and I think well learn about the different values of money from different countries.

  4. Making fake money.

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  7. I think we re going to learn about different countries currency. I think we are going to play Monopoly. I would like to learn about how the different
    countries money and how they are made. I would like to go to the Bank of England.

  8. I think we are gonna learn about money

    I would like to learn all the diffrent type of money in the world

  9. How money was invented.

  10. I think we are going to learn more about different currency all around the world and how they are similar.

  11. I also think the same as Daniel and the song is very catchy. I would like to know how to test if money is real or fake. I think we are going to find out what the values of money are from different countries or part of the world. I think we will be sorting money from not just England but different areas too.

  12. I think we might learn about money like some of the topics in year 6 also I think we might do some activities about the people who have been on the coins and are on the money, I would like us to do something about the centuries of the people in the coins as I said before and also I think we might not be doing money money we might actually be learning about the team singer ABBA.

  13. I think we are going to learn about money I would like to learn about different money from different countries

  14. I think that this term we are going to learn about money.I want to learn about how money is invented.

  15. Make a video when we finish our topic about what we learnt.

  16. I think we are going to learn about money,money,money. I think we are going to make our own monopoly set. I would like to go to The Bank Of England.

  17. I think we are going to learn about money from different countrys.

  18. I think that we are going to learn about the value of money and how money was invented. I would like to learn about the value. Why do you have to pay in the shops?

  19. I think we will learn about money because the year 6 have oready done that and im exited to learn about it and we will know loads about money know who where there enventors and then e could play a game and have fun it will be awesome be learning about money and everyone will enjoy everything i hope..

  20. I think we are going to learn about money.

  21. Our money topic is amazing :I love micro society.
    thanks miss mc

  22. Micro society is the best lesion ever.

  23. Money my mind is the best


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